Friday, August 26, 2016

Last post before school starts \ 0o0 /

Sorry for not posting at all for a week. I was out of town at my Aunt's house in Beaver Dam. While I was away, I did take pictures and I did a lot of sketching!

Let's rewind all the way back to August 14th! () _ () I decided to do another mandala, because why not!

Then I was thinking about doing something with lines... And this is the result...

All of these next ones I did when I was at my Aunt's house. :) It was a little hard to do them sometimes because of her two kitties Steve and Lola. They kept trying to chew on my paint brushes and pencils!
The mandala was one of the more complicated ones that I have done. It took a lot of measuring and patience...

Also, I posted these on Flickr, but here are some of the photos I took while I was away. ^.^

Goodby for now! I got to go to work now. See you all at school in 5 days! e_e

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Clicking Away

To make my life easier, I will just put my synopsizes of the four links in one post. :)

June 8th, 2016

Portal Wisconsin

     After clicking around this website, I found three photographers that caught my eye: Adam DeFrang, Spyros J Heniadis, and Bruce Warren. (their images are in order at the bottom) I really liked DeFrang and Warren's because of the use of architecture (and that they are black and white. I love black and white!). I also really like Heniadis's photograph, because of how simple it is and all of the texture that it captured in the image.
     Also, after looking around the cite more, I found many opportunities that were avaliable. By going to this cite, one can find opportunities to audition, submit artwork to exhibitions, apply for jobs or internships, residencies, and so much more!

August 6th, 2016

Wisconsin Arts Board
     After poking around on this website, I found out that there is a lot of support for art in Wisconsin. I found the grants interesting because it looks like they try to help non-profit organizations for the arts. I think that that is really cool that they are doing that and allowing art to spread.

A Retrospective by John Emil Stevenson
       This image caught my attention because of its simplicity. I love how the girl is right in the center of the canvas and how we cannot see her face. The way that she is turned from the viewer gives the piece a sort of mystery to it. Also, the way the background is painted with all of the brushstrokes makes me wonder where she is.

August 25th, 2016

     As some people might know, I love Savannah, Georgia. It is probably my favorite place in the US that I've been to so far! It would also be amazing if I could attend the Savannah College of Art and Design (but that is WAY to expensive...). 
     For my choice gallery, I wanted to see if SCAD had an online gallery that I could look at, and I happened to find one that shows some art from portfolios from students. Since I'm interested in photography and am thinking about doing photography for APA this year, I wanted to look at what college students photography looks like.
     Below are three photographs that caught my eye right away...

This photograph is from a portfolio called S P L I T by Weston Doty. I really enjoy this image because it is just so simple and abstract! It is literally a banana split! XD The colors are contrasting yet harmonizing.

This image is from a portfolio called Arnold Hall by Giordano Angeletti. When I first saw this photograph, I didn't realize that it was a still life set up of trees, bench, and a light post on a railing. After looking at the image closer, it intrigued me more! The way it makes the land look like it just abruptly ends is very interesting. I think I also really like this image because of how it is a little but abstract, yet realistic at the same time.

This photograph is from a portfolio called Still Lives by Carlie Law. I like this image because of the color scheme and how simple it looks. There is just something about it that catches my eye. It is beautiful what the mind can do.

August 25th, 2016

Scholastic Arts
     I have submitted works to the Scholastic Arts before, but sadly I have never gotten a gold key (just honorable mention). I hope to submit some works this year (not sure if I did last year. Don't remember).
     When I was looking through the photography, three photographs caught my eye.
egg by Isaac Bacon
Orange Intrigue by Allison Gould
Road To Nowhere by Symantha Ryerson

     I really like egg because of how simple it is and how dramatic the lighting and shadows are. Making it in black and white was a good choice the artist made. I don't think that having the picture in color would have had as much of an impact.
     I also liked Orange Intrigue because of the leading lines and the color that is reflected onto the windows. This image was captured at just the right time to be able to capture the light that the artist did. I also like that the image seems cropped, allowing for the image to escape off the page.
     Finally, I liked Road To Nowhere because of the mystery. To me, it looks like a setting for a horror movie or something. Maybe the cover to a paranormal novel. (also I like it because of the black and white. I love black and white photographs!!! ^.^)

Friday, August 12, 2016

Slacking... e_e

Sup. This might be the last post I will be making for a while because I'm going to be out of town from Wednesday till the 25th. I will have access to a computer and wifi, but I don't know if I will have the time (or energy) to post. I will try to do stuff in my sketchbook though.

I have been working a lot this past week, so I really haven't found time to do any photo editing, but I have taken some photographs (I won't want to post them until I have edited them and made them beautiful! ^.^). I did have time to do three things in my sketchbook though.

We have been waiting for rail so long now, I felt like I needed to do a page that had to do with rain in the hope that we will finally get some. My grass is so dead!!! e_e

I randomly wanted to do something with sand dollars so... Yah. This happened.

Aaaaaand..... I did this "geometric mountain" type thing. I am actually pleased in how it turned out. I might want to do more geometric sketches. Maybe some geometric mandalas...

I will really try to do some more editing of my photos for the next time I post. When I'm gone for that week, I won't be able to have access to PhotoShop, so all of the editing will have to be done on my phone (if I have time).

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Simplicity is the Key

Sorry that I didn't post yesterday. I have been very busy. This past week, my Dad has had me interning at his office (z2 Marketing). At first they had me doing random things like tying the strings onto quiet signs for a hotel in Notre Dame. Then my Dad gave me a PhotoShop project. It was difficult at first because he told me to remove some parts of the photo that he thought were messy looking while still making the photo look real. I used the clone tool a lot and pasted other parts of the image in different spots, creating my own landscape. The next time I went in, he gave e a different project where he wanted me to replace the sky in one image while making it still look real. The problem was that the image wasn't wide enough so I had to improvise and create my own sky by copying and flipping parts of the sky and creating clouds to overlay in the sky. Then he told me to remove the sun! That must have been the myst difficult part of all! After (sadly) having to eat McDonalds, I finished and it looked somewhat real. :)
(I wish that I had a picture of both projects but I forgot to do that when I was there...)

Besides that, I did have a chance to do a lot more sketching in my sketchbook than what I normally seem to do. I was trying to go for "simplicity", because lately I feel like my sketches have been a little complicated (or maybe too complicated) and they end up taking more than a day, leaving my sketchbook with many empty pages. And I don't want it to seem like I'm not doing my summer homework when school comes around and I haven't even filled up half of my sketchbook.

So... Here is what I did. :) They all took one day to complete.


I also had the chance to do some PhotoShop editing with a photo I took at the beginning of summer and of a photo from a couple of years ago that I shot on Tybee Island.

I hope to get more edits done this week, either on my phone or in PhotoShop. (my Enlight app has been being a little glitchy lately, so I really hope that they get that fixed so I can go back to editing on my favorite app!!!)

Going to start organizing and getting all of my stuff ready for school! -_- 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Gotta go Go GO!

Wow! I'm really behind on posting... Is it Monday already? And it's AUGUST!?!?! When did that happen?!?! That means that there is exactly 30 days till school starts! \O.O/ I'm not ready!!! *cries in a corner*

Okay.... So the reason why I didn't post on Friday was because this past week has been hectic. Last Sunday was my birthday and I had to work. My sister got me playing and now we are both addicted. We probably spent a whole day playing and watching each other play... Also, I got hooked on a series called The Steampunk Chronicles. I read the first 400 page book in three days and the second one in two days! I was literally reading for most of the day. I probably should have stopped to do some more work in my sketchbook, but I just couldn't stop myself!
Besides being sucked into the series, I did manage to get some work done in my sketchbook. I finally finished the cut paper thing that I was working on. Here it is!!! ^.^
It took me four days to finish cutting all of the pieces (332 cut pieces all together. And yes, I did just count all of them). I then spray painted it with hammered metal spray paint (which took a day to dry and it still smells bad... e_e) and it took me a day to layout and glue down all of the leaves on the other side. 
Here is the page with all of the leaves. (yes they are real pressed and dried leaves from last year)

A couple days later I did a quick sketch of Italy. It's not that great, but thats why you call it a sketch. ;)

Here are some photos I took on my Birthday trip to Cave of the Mounds. ^.^

For some reason now I want to do a sketch of a cactus... So I might go do that now...