Friday, June 24, 2016

So I got a plan...

          What's up everyone? So, I'm going to try to make a weekly post every Friday about how I have improved and stuff. (let's see how long this lasts...)

          So, I have many photographs that I want to try to redraw that I took from Italy, but I just really haven't found the time to do so. I'm going to try to make myself a schedule to make sure that I have time to sketch. I just feel very disorganized at the moment... e_e
I did have a chance to sketch some photographs that I took earlier this year.
          They're not that great, but what the heck! I tried.

          Sometime yesterday, I decided to try to do a self portrait, but I only had the chance to start it. Here is my reference image and what I got so far. It isn't much, but keep checking for updates to see the finished product. :)

          Also, I have been seeing many interesting textures lately and they have inspired me to want to do some collaging. Maybe something monotone or ombra or abstract. With a bunch of little pieces.....
          Oh god! What am I getting myself into?! Why do I always do this to myself? :P

1 comment:

  1. Great're right...having a schedule to work helps. We have so much scheduling during the school year that the freedom of summer seems great, but then we get lazy and busy and find we're not making art. Try to set aside a half hour each day and draw or collage or work in some way in your journal. This will help. If you're interested there is a great website called Journal Fodder Junkies that has wonderful inspiration for daily journaling. ( Also there is another one called Every Day Draw Challenge The idea is to just draw and not be too judgemental about the work, but find 30 minutes a day to draw. Good luck!
